Hindu temples what happened to them? Part 8- Assam & Bengal

We give below, state-wise and district-wise, the particulars of Muslim monuments which stand on the sites and/or have been built with the materials of Hindu temples, and which we wish to recall as witnesses to the role of Islam as a religion and the character of Muslim rule in medieval India. The list is the result of a preliminary survey. Many more Muslim monuments await examination. Local traditions which have so far been ignored or neglected, have to be tapped on a large scale. We have tried our best to be exact in respect of locations, names and dates of the monuments mentioned. Even so, some mistakes and confusions may have remained. It is not unoften that different sources provide different dates and names for the same monument. Many Muslim saints are known by several names, which creates confusion in identifying their mazãrs or dargãhs. Some districts have been renamed or newly, created and a place which was earlier under one district may have been included in another. We shall be grateful to readers who point out these mistakes so that they can be corrected in our major study. This is only a brief summary.

Important Note and Disclaimer: - This content is extracted and presented as it is from the book "HINDU TEMPLES WHAT HAPPENED TO THEM? VOLUMES 1 AND 2"

A Preliminary Survey by

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District Kamrup
(i) Poã Masjid (1657). Temple site.
(ii) Mazãr of a Muslim saint who styled himself Sultãn Ghiyãsu􏿽d-Dîn Balban. Temple site.


I. Bankura District.
Lokpura, Mazãr of Ghãzî Ismãil. Converted Venugopala temple.

II. Barisal District.
Kasba, Masjid. Temple site.

III. Birbhum District.
1. Moregram, Mazãr of Sayyid Bãbã. Temple materials used.
2. Patharchapuri, Mazã of Dãtã, or Mahbûb Sãhib. Temple site.
3. Rajnagar, Several Old Masjids. Temple sites.
4. Sakulipur, Jãmi􏿽 Masjid. Temple site.
5. Siyan, Dargãh of Makhdûm Shãh (1221). Materials of many temples used.

IV. Bogra District.
(i) Dargãh and Masjid of Shãh Sultãn Mahîswãr. Stands on the ruins of a temple.
(ii) Majid on 􏿽ilãdevî Ghat. Temple materials used.
V. Burdwan District.
1. Inchalabazar, Masjid (1703). Temple site.
2. Kasba, Rãjã, Masjid. Temple materials used.
3. Kalna
(i) Dargãh of Shãh Majlis (1491-93). Temple site.
(ii) ShãhI Masjid (1533). Temple site.
4. Mangalkot, Jãmi􏿽 Masjid (1523-24). Temple site.
5. Raikha, Talãb-wãlî Masjid. Temple site.
6. Suata
(i) Dargãh of Sayyid Shãh Shahîd Mahmûd Bahmanî. Buddhist Temple materials site.
(ii) Masjid (1502-02). Temple site.

VI. Calcutta District.
Bania Pukur, Masjid built for Alãud-Dîn Alãu􏿽l Haqq (1342). Temple materials used.

VII. Chatgaon District.
Dargãh of Badr Makhdûm. Converted Buddhist Vihãra.

VIII. Dacca District.
1. Dacca
(i) Tomb of Bîbî Parî. Temple materials used.
(ii) Saif Khãn-kî-Masjid. Converted temple.
(iii) Churihattã Masjid. Temple materials used.
2. Narayanganj, Qadam Rasûl Masjid. Temple site.
3. Rampal
(i) Masjid. Converted temple.
(ii) Dargãh of Bãbã. Adam Shahîd (1308). Temple materials used.
4. Sonargaon, Old Masjid. Temple materials used.

IX. Dinajpur District.
1. Basu-Bihar, Two Masjids. On the ruins of a Buddhist Vihãra.
2. Devatala
(i) Dargãh of Shykh Jalãlu􏿽d-Dîn Tabrizi, Suhrawardîyyia sufi credited in Muslim histories with the
destruction of many, temples. Temple site.
(ii) Jãmi􏿽 Masjid (1463). VishNu Temple site.
3. Devikot
(i) Dargãh and Masjid of Pîr Atãu􏿽llah Shãh (1203). Temple materials used.
(ii) Dargãh of Shãh Bukhãrî. Temple materials used.
(iii) Dargãh of Pîr Bahãu􏿽d-Dîn. Temple materials used.
(iv) Dargãh of Shãh Sultãn Pîr. Temple materials used.
4. Mahisantosh, Dargãh and Masjid. On the site of a big VishNu Temple.
5. Nekmard, Mazãr of Nekmard Shãh. Temple site.

X. Faridpur District.
Faridpzir, Mazãr of Farîd Shãh. Temple site.

XI. Hooghly District.
1. Jangipura, Mazãr of Shahîd Ghãzî. Temple materials used.
2. Pandua
(i) Masjid. Temple materials used.
(ii) Mazãr of Shãh Safiu􏿽d-Dîn. Temple site.
(iii) Fath Minãr. Temple materials used.
3. Santoshpur, Masjid near Molla Pukur (153-310). Temple site.
4. Satgaon, Jãmi􏿽 Masjid. Temple materials used.
5. Tribeni
(i) Zafar Khãn-kî-Masjid (1298). Temple materials used.
(ii) Dargãh of Zafar Khãn. Temple materials used.
(iii) Masjid (1459). Temple site.

XII. Howrah District.
Jangalvilas, Pîr Sãhib-kî-Masjid. Converted temple.

XIII. Khulna District.
1. Masjidkur
(i) Shãt Gumbaz. Temple materials used.
(ii) Mazãr of Khanjã Ali or Khãn Jahãn. Temple site.
2. Salkhira, Dargãh of Maî Chãmpã. Temple materials used.

XIV. Malda District.
1. Gangarampur
(i) Dargãh of Shãh Atã. 􏿽iva Temple site.
(ii) Masjid on the river bank (1249). Temple site.
2. Gaur, Muslim city built on the site and with the ruins of LakshmaNãvatî, Hindu capital destroyed by the
Muslims at the end of the twelfth century A.D. Temple materials have been used in the following

(i) Chhotî Sonã Masjid.
(ii) Qadam Rasûl Masjid (1530)
(iii) Tãntipãrã Masjid (1480)
(iv) Lãttan Masjid (1475)
(v) Badî Sonã Masjid (1526)
(vi) Dargãh of Makhadûm Akhî Sirãj Chishtî, disciple of Nizãmu􏿽d-Dîn Awliya of Delhi (1347)
(vii) Darsbãrî or College of Theology.
(viii) Astãnã of Shãh Niãmatu􏿽llãh.
(ix) Chãmkattî Masjid (1459).
(x) Chikkã Masjid.
(xi) Gunmant Masjid. Converted temple.
(xii) Dãkhil Darwãzã.
(xiii) Kotwãlî Darwãzã.
(xiv) Fîruz Minãr.
(xv) ChaNDipur Darwãzã.
(xvi) Bãrãduãrî Masjid.
(xvii) Lukãchuri Masjid.
(xviii) Gumtî Darwãzã.

3. Malda
(i) Jãmi􏿽 Masjid (1566). Temple materials used.
(ii) Sak Mohan Masjid (1427). Temple site.
4. Pandua, Another Muslim city built with the ruins of LakshmaNãvatî. Temple materials have been used
in the following monuments.
(i) Ãdina Masjid (1368)
(ii) Yaklakhî Masjid.
(iii) Chheh Hazãri or Dargãh of Nûr Qutb-i-Ãlam (1415).
(iv) Bãis Hazãrî or Khãnqãh of Jalãlu􏿽d-Dîn Tabrizî (1244).
(v) Sonã Masjid.
(vi) Barn-like Masjid.
(vii) Qadam Rasûl.

XV. Midnapur District.
1. Gagneswar, Karambera Garh Masjid (1509). 􏿽iva Temple site.
2. Hijli, Masnad-i-Ãlã-kî-Masjid. Temple site.
3. Kesiari, Masjid (1622). Mahãdeva Temple materials used.
4. Kharagpur, Mazãr of Pîr Lohãni. Temple site.

XVI. Murshidabad District.
1. Chuna Khali, Barbak-kî-Masjid. Temple site.
2. Murshidabad, Temple materials have been used in the following monuments:
(i) Katrã Masjid.
(ii) Motîjhîl Lake Embankments.
(iii) Sangî Dãlãn.
(iv) Mahal Sarã􏿽.
(v) Alîvardî Khãn-kî-Masjid.
(vi) Hazãrduãrî Mahal.
3. Rangamati, Dargãh on the Rãkshasî DãNgã. Stands on the ruins of a Buddhist Vihãra.

XVII. Noakhali District.
Begamganj, Bajrã Masjid. Converted temple.

XVIII. Pabna District.
Balandu, Madrasa. Converted Buddhist Vihãra.
XIX. Rajshahi District.
1. Bhaturia, Masjid. 􏿽iva Temple materials used.
2. Kumarpura, Mazãr of Mukarram Shãh. Converted temple.
3. Kusumbha, Old Masjid (1490-93). Constructed entirely of temple materials.
XX. Rangpur District.
(i) BaDã Dargãh of Shãh Ismãil Ghãzî. Temple site.
(ii) Idgãh on a mound one mile away. Temple materials used.
XXI. Sylhet District.
1. Baniyachung, Famous Masjid. Temple site.
2. Sylhet
(i) Masjid of Shãh Jalãl. Temple site.
(ii) Mazãrs of Shãh Jalãl and many of his disciples. Temple sites.

XXII. 24-Parganas District.
1. Barasat, Mazãr of Pîr Ekdil Sãhib. Temple site.
2. Berchampa, Dargãh of Pîr GorãchãNd. Temple site.

Above complete list is obtained from:


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