Hindu temples what happened to them? Part 6- Andhra Pradesh

A Preliminary Survey

We give below, state-wise and district-wise, the particulars of Muslim monuments which stand on the sites and/or have been built with the materials of Hindu temples, and which we wish to recall as witnesses to the role of Islam as a religion and the character of Muslim rule in medieval India. The list is the result of a preliminary survey. Many more Muslim monuments await examination. Local traditions which have so far been ignored or neglected, have to be tapped on a large scale.

We have tried our best to be exact in respect of locations, names and dates of the monuments mentioned. Even so, some mistakes and confusions may have remained. It is not unoften that different sources provide different dates and names for the same monument. Many Muslim saints are known by several names, which creates confusion in identifying their mazãrs or dargãhs. Some districts have been renamed or newly, created and a place which was earlier under one district may have been included in another. We shall be grateful to readers who point out these mistakes so that they can be corrected in our major study. This is only a brief summary.

Important Note and Disclaimer: - This content is extracted and presented as it is from the book "HINDU TEMPLES WHAT HAPPENED TO THEM? VOLUMES 1 AND 2"

A Preliminary Survey by

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I. Adilabad District.

Mahur, Masjid in the Fort on the hill. Temple site.

II. Anantpur District.

1. Gooty, Gateway to the Hill Fort. Temple materials used.
2. Kadiri, Jãmi􏿽 Masjid. Temple site.
3. Konakondla, Masjid in the bazar. Temple materials used.
4. Penukonda
(i) Fort. Temple materials used.
(ii) Masjid in the Fort. Converted Temple.
(iii) Sher Khãn􏿽s Masjid (1546).38 Converted Temple.
(iv) Dargãh of Babayya. Converted Î􏿽vara Temple.
(v) Jãmi􏿽 Masjid (1664-65). Temple site.
(xi) Dargãh of Shãh Fakbru􏿽d-Dîn (1293-94). Temple site.
5. Tadpatri
(i) Jãmi􏿽 Masjid (1695-96). Temple site.
(ii) Idgãh completed in 1725-26. Temple site.
6. Thummala, Masjid (1674-75). Temple site.

III. Cuddapah District

1. Cuddapah
(i) Bhãp Sãhib-kî-Masjid (1692). Temple site.
(ii) Idgãh (1717-18). Temple site.
(iii) Bahãdur Khãn-kî-Masjid (1722-23). Temple site.
(iv) Dargãh of Shãh Amînu􏿽d-Dîn Gesû Darãz (1736-37). Temple site.
2. Duvvuru, Masjid. Temple site.
3. Gandikot, Jãmi􏿽 Masjid (1690-91). Temple site.
4. Gangapuru, Masjid. Temple site.
5. Gundlakunta, Dastgîrî Dargãh. Temple site.
6. Gurrumkonda, Fort and several other Muslim buildings. Temple materials used.
7. Jammalmaduguu, Jãmi􏿽 Masjid (1794-95). Temple site.
8. Jangalapalle, Dargãh of Dastgîr Swãmî. Converted Jangam temple.
9. Siddhavatam
(i) Qutb Shãhî Masjid (restored in 1808). Temple materials use.
(ii) Jãmi􏿽 Masjid (1701). Temple materials used.
(iii) Dargãh of Bismillãh Khãn Qãdirî. Temple materials used.
(iv) Fort and Gateways. Temple materials used.
(v) Chowk-kî-Masjid. Temple site.
10. Vutukuru
(i) Masjid at Naligoto. Temple site.
(ii) Masjid at Puttumiyyapeta. Temple site.
IV. East Godavari District.
Bikkavolu, Masjid. Temple materials used.

V. Guntur District

1. Nizampatnam, Dargãh of Shãh Haidrî (1609). Temple site
2. Vinukonda, Jãmi􏿽 Masjid (1640-41). Temple site.

VI. Hyderabad District.

1. Chikalgoda, Masjid (1610). Temple site.
2. Dargah, Dargãh of Shãh Walî (1601-02). Temple site.
3. Golconda
(i) Jãmi􏿽 Masjid on Bãlã Hissãr. Temple site.
(ii) Tãrãmatî Masjid. Temple site.
4. Hyderabad
(i) Dargãh of Shãh Mûsã Qãdirî. Temple site.
(ii) Masjid on the Pirulkonda Hill (1690). Temple site.
(iii) Tolî Masjid (1671). Temple materials used.
(iv) Dargãh of Miãn Mishk (d. 1680). Temple site.
(v) Dargãh of Mu􏿽min Chup in Aliyãbãd (1322-23). Temple site.
(vi) Hãjî Kamãl-kî-Masjid (1657). Temple site.
(vii) Begum Masjid (1593). Temple site.
(viii) Dargãh of Islãm Khãn Naqshbandî. Temple site.
(ix) Dargãh of Shãh Dã􏿽ûd (1369-70). Temple site.
(x) Jãmi􏿽 Masjid (1597). Temple site.
4. Maisaram, Masjid built by Aurangzeb from materials of 200 temples demolished after the fall of
5. Secunderabad, Qadam RasUl. Temple site.
6. Sheikhpet
(i) Shaikh-kî-Masjid (1633-34). Temple site.
(ii) SarãiwAlî Masjid (1678-79). Temple tite.

VII. Karimnagar District.

1. Dharampuri, Masjid (1693). TrikûTa Temple site.
2. Elangdal
(i) Mansûr Khãn-kî-Masjid (1525). Temple site.
(ii) Alamgîrî Masjid (1696). Temple site.
3. Kalesyaram, Ãlamgîrî Masjid. Temple site.
4. Sonipet, Ãlamgîrî Masjid. Temple site.
5. Vemalvada, Mazãr of a Muslim saint. Temple site.

VIII. Krishna District.

1. Gudimetta, Masjid in the Fort, Temple materials used.
2. Guduru, Jãmi􏿽 Masjid (1497). Temple materials used.
3. Gundur, Jãmi􏿽 Masjid. Converted temple.
4. Kondapalli
(i) Masjid built in 1482 on the site of a temple after Muhammad Shãh BahmanI had slaughtered the
Brahmin priests on the advice of Mahmûd Gawãn, the great Bahmanî Prime Minister, who exhorted the
sultan to become a Ghãzî by means of this pious performance.
(ii) Mazãr of Shãh Abdul Razzãq. Temple site.
5. Kondavidu
(i) Masjid (1337). Temple materials used.
(ii) Dargãh of Barandaula. Temple materials used.
(iii) Qadam Sharîf of Ãdam. Converted temple.
6. Machhlipatnam
(i) Jãmi􏿽 Masjid. Temple site.
(ii) Idgãh. Temple site.
7. Nandigram, Jãmi􏿽 Masjid. Temple site.
8. Pedana, Iama􏿽il-kî-Masjid. Temple site.
9. Rajkonda, Masjid (1484). Temple site.
10. Tengda, Masjid. Temple site.
11. Turkpalem, Dargãh of Ghãlib Shahîd. Temple site.
12. Vadpaili, Masjid near NarsiMhaswãmîn Temple. Temple materials used.
13. Vijaywada, Jãmi􏿽 Masjid. Temple site.

IX. Kurnool District.

1. Adoni
(i) Jãmi􏿽 Masjid (1668-69). Materials of several temples used.
(ii) Masjid on the Hill. Temple materials used.
(iii) Fort (1676-77). Temple materials used.
2. Cumbum
(i) Jãmi􏿽 Masjid (1649). Temple site.
(ii) Gachinãlã Masjid (1729-30). Temple site.
3. Havli, Jãmi􏿽 Masjid. Temple materials used.
4. Karimuddula, Dargãh. Akkadevi Temple materials used.
5. Kottakot, Jãmi􏿽 Masjid (1501). Temple site.
6. Kurnool
(i) Pîr Sãhib-kã-Gumbad (1637-38). Temple site.
(ii) Jãmi􏿽 Masjid (1667). Temple site.
(iii) Lãl Masjid (1738-39). Temple site.
7. Pasupala, Kalãn Masjid. Temple site.
8. Sanjanmala, Masjid. Temple sites.
9. Siddheswaram, Ashurkhãna. Temple materials used.
10. Yadavalli, Mazãr and Masjid. Temple sites.
11. Zuhrapur, Dargãh of Qãdir Shãh Bukhãrî. Temple site.

X. Mahbubnagar District.

1. Alampur, Qalã-kî-Masjid. Temple materials used.
2. Jatprole, Dargãh of Sayyid Shãh Darwish. Temple materials used.
3. Kodangal
(i) Dargãh of Hazrat Nizãmu􏿽d-DIn. Temple site.
(ii) Jãmi􏿽 Masjid. Temple site.
4. Kundurg, Jãmi􏿽 Masjid (1470-71). Temple site.
5. Pargi, Jãmi􏿽 Masjid (1460). Temple site.
6. Somasila, Dargãh of Kamãlu􏿽d-Dîn Baba (1642-43) Temple site.

XI. Medak District.

1. Andol, Old Masjid. Temple site.
2. Komatur, Old Masjid. Temple site.
3. Medak
(i) Masjid near Mubãrak Mahal (1641). VishNu Temple site.
(ii) Fort, Temple materials used.
4. Palat, Masjid. Temple site.
5. Patancheru
(i) Jãmi􏿽 Masjid. Temple materials used.
(ii) Dargãh of Shykh Ibrãhîm known as Makhdûmji (1583). Temple site.
(iii) Ashrufkhãna. Temple site.
(iv) Fort (1698). Temple materials used.

XII. Nalgonda District.

1. Devarkonda
(i) Qutb Shãhî Masjid. Temple materials used.
(ii) Dargãh of Sharîfu􏿽d-Din (1579). Temple site.
(iii) Dargãh of Qãdir Shãh Walî (1591). Temple site.
2. Ghazinagar, Masjid (1576-77). Temple site.
3. Nalgonda
(i) Garhî Masjid. Temple site.
(ii) Dargãh of Shãh Latîf. Temple site.
(iii) Qutb Shãhî Masjid (Renovated in 1897). Temple site.
4. Pangal, Ãlamgîrî Masjid. Temple site.
XIII. Nellore District.
1. Kandukuru, Four Masjids. Temple sites.
2. Nellore, Dargãh named Dargãmittã. Akkasãlî􏿽vara Temple materials used.
3. Podile, Dargãh. Temple site.
4. Udayagiri
(i) Jãmi􏿽 Masjid (1642-43). Temple materials used.
(ii) Chhotî Masjid (1650-51). Temple materials used.
(iii) Fort. Temple materials used.

XIV. Nizambad District.

1. Balkonda
(i) Patthar-kî-Masjid. Temple site.
(ii) Idgãh. Temple site.
2. Bodhan
(i) Deval Masjid. Converted Jain temple.
(ii) Patthar-kî-Masjid. Temple site.
(iii) Ãlamgîrî Masjid (1654-55). Temple site.
3. Dudki, Ashrufkhãna. Temple materials used.
4. Fathullapur, Mu􏿽askarî Masjid (1605-06). Temple site.

XV. Osmanabad District.

Ausa, Jãmi􏿽 Masjid (1680-81). Temple site.

XVI. Rangareddy District.
Maheshwar, Masjid (1687). Madanna Pandit􏿽s Temple site.

XVII. Srikakulam District

1. Icchapuram, Several Masjids. Temple sites.
2. Kalingapatnam, DargAh of Sayyid Muhammad Madnî Awliyã (1619-20). Temple materials used.
3. Srikakulam
(i) Jãmi􏿽 Masjid (1641- 42). Temple site.
(ii) Dargãh of Bande Shãh Walî (1641- 42). Temple site.
(iii) Atharwãlî Masjid (1671-72). Temple site.
(iv) Dargãh of Burhãnu􏿽d-Dîn Awliyã. Temple site.
XVIII. Vishakhapatnam District.
1. Jayanagaram, Dargãh. Temple site.
2. Vishakhapatnam, Dargãh of Shãh Madnî. Temple site.
XIX. Warangal District.
Zafargarh, Jãmi􏿽 Masjid. Temple site.
XX. West Godavari District.
1. Eluru
(i) Fort. Temple materials used.
(ii) Sawãi Masjid. Converted temple.
(iii) Qãzi􏿽s House. Some􏿽vara Temple materials used.
2. Nidavolu, Masjid. Mahãdeva Temple materials used.
3. Rajamundri, Jãmi􏿽 Masjid (1324). Converted VeNugopãlaswãmin Temple.

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