Scheme for Unmarried Poor Christian Girls
Government of Telangana has recently launched the scheme of “Shaadi Mubaarak” for Christian Minority unmarried girls. In this scheme financial assistance of Rs. 51,000/- (Rupees Fifty One Thousand only) is being released to all the poor Christian Minority girls.
O R D E R:
Government of Telangana envisions the overall development of the
Poor in the State and in particular the minority girls who face numerous
hardships and problems at marriage. Vide reference first and second read
above Government enabled a scheme for conducting mass marriages of poor
Muslim girls in the State. The Government of Telangana has reviewed the
performance of the said scheme and after detailed examination and in
supercession of all orders issued on the above subject hereby introduce the
scheme of “Shaadi Mubaarak” for all unmarried girls belonging to the
minority community at marriage, with a view to alleviate financial distress in
the family.
Under the Scheme, a one time financial assistance of Rs. 51,000/- at
the time of marriage shall be granted to every unmarried girl belonging to the
minority community with effect from October 2, 2014 subject to the following
guidelines given as under:
1. Eligibility Criteria:
(a) The unmarried girl shall belong to the minority community
(b) The unmarried girl shall be a resident of Telangana state
(c) The unmarried girl should have completed 18 years of age at the time
of marriage
(d)The Wedding of the said girl shall be on or after October 2, 2014
Income Criteria:
(a) The combined income of the Parents shall not exceed Rs. 2,00,000/-
per annum.
3. Procedure for application and processing:
(a) Applicants shall apply online for the Telangana “Shaadi Mubaarak”
by accessing the website at the following site: through any MEESEVA Center.
(b) The following certificates shall be attached:
i) Date of birth – Issued by the competent authority through
ii) Community Certificate – Issued by the Competent authority
through MEESEVA Centre
iii) Income Certificate (the certificate shall be latest and shall not
be older than 6 months from the date of marriage)
iv) Aadhaar card of the bride and bride groom to be scanned
and uploaded.
v) A scanned copy of the first page of Bank Pass Book (Savings
Account) containing the photo of the bride and the account
details in the name of the bride.
vi) Wedding Card if available
vii) Wedding Photograph
viii) Letter by the Gram Panchayat/Church/Mosque/any other
authority/ institution which has performed the marriage to
be scanned and uploaded
ix) Optional details for scanning and uploading:
SSC Hall ticket number and year of passing
where applicable
4. The “Shaadi Mubaarak” cannot be combined with any other scheme such
as the incentive award for inter-caste marriages with Scheduled Castes and
Scheduled Tribes.
5. The “Shaadi Mubaarak” is only a one time financial assistance and can be
availed only once in the life time.
6. The District Minority Welfare Officer of the District shall process the
applications and after due verification of the documents sanction the
amounts to be payable in the bank accounts of the Bride as furnished on the
online system. All such claims shall be made through uploading online bills
for the scheme.
7. The expenditure shall be debited to the following head of Account:
2225 – Welfare of Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes
and Backward Classes
80 – General
800 – Other Expenditure
G.H. 11 – Normal State Plan
S.H. 17 – Conduct of Mass Marriages for Minorities
8. The Commissioner/ Director, Minorities Welfare shall ensure that necessary
software is enabled on the e-pass website at
and Mee Seva centers to ensure applications under the scheme.
9. The Commissioner/ Director, Minorities Welfare shall ensure wide publicity
of the scheme
This orders issues with the concurrence of Finance (EBS.III) Department,
vide their U.O. No.297/PFS/2014, dated September 16, 2014.
This order is available in Telangana State Government Website
The Director of Minorities Welfare Department, TS, Hyderabad.
The Pay & Accounts Officer, Telangana, Hyderabad
All the District Treasury Officers in the State
Copy to:
The Chief Commissioner of Land Administration,
Telangana State, Hyderabad.
All the District Collectors in the State of Telangana.
All the District Minority Welfare Officers in the State of Telangana.
All the Organizations / Institutions under the control of M.W. Deptt.,
The Director, Meeseva Centre, Hyderabad.
The Director, General, Center for Good Governance,
Gachi Bowli, Hyderabad.
The Adviser to Government, (Welfares)
Ground Floor, “D” Block, Telangana, Secretariat, Hyderabad.
The Commissioner of Information & Public Relations Department.
All the Spl. C.S. / Principal Secretary / Secretary / Special Secretaries to
Government of Telangana State.
PS to Prl. Secy. to Chief Minister
PS to Special Secy. to Chief Minister.
P. S. to all the cabinet Ministers of Telangana State.
The P.S. to C.S. to Govt. of Telangana State.
The G.A.(Cabinet) Dept.,
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