Government of Telangana have extended all non-statutory benefits to converted Christian on par with SCs


The Scheduled Castes Development Department  administers a large number of schemes for the Scheduled Castes.  Chief Minister Shri. K. Chandrasekhar Rao Garu has been passionate on SC development in the newly created State of Telangana.  He currently holds the portfolio of the Department.  Further Government have also ensure that non- statutory benefits shall be extended to all SC Christian Converts (BC-C). The Scheduled Castes Sub Plan places around 15% of the plan funds of the state for the various development programs which accounts for around Rs. 7,500 crores.  Apart from the schemes mentioned above there are over 100 residential schools ( imparting quality education to the SC boys and girls from class V-XII besides four schools of excellence which give special training for competing in the IIT, engineering and MBBS courses.  For all eqnuiries, all desirous may contact the Joint Director Social Welfare or visit the website or contact the Director Social welfare at the Samkshema Bhavan, Masab Tank, Hyderabad.

1. Financial Assistance to V to VIII Class Student: The main objective of the scheme is to curb the high dropout rate among the SC children by providing a modest incentive to school going SC children whose parental income is Rs. 1.00 lakh Rs per anum.   The student should be a regular, full time student studying in a Govt. school or in a school run by local bodies such as Mandal Praja Parishad, Zilla Praja Parishad, Municipalities /Municipal Corporations or any school aided by the Govt.  Guidelines issued in G.O.MS. NO. 57, SW (EDN.2), Dt.02.07.2013. Scale of Scholarships for Day scholars: Rs.100/- per month for Boys and Rs.150/- per month for Girls.  The Scholarship will be payable for 10 months in an academic year.

2. Financial Assistance to IX & X  Classes (Rajiv Vidya Deevena - CSS): To minimize the incidence of drop-out especially in the transition from the elementary to the secondary stage and to improve participation of SC children in Class IX and X of the Pre-matric stage, so that they perform better and have a better chance of progressing to the Post-matric stage of education. Students whose parental income is Rs. 2.00 lakh per anum are eligible. Guidelines issued in G.O.MS. NO. 47, SW (EDN.2), Dt.31.12.2012. Scale of Scholarships for Day scholars is Rs.150/- per month and Rs.350/- per month for Hostellers.  Other Grants for Day Scholars is Rs.750/- per annum and Rs.1000/- for Hostellers.

3. Financial Assistance to the children of Un-clean occupations: The State Government is implementing the scheme of educational facilities to the children of those engaged unclean occupation with 100% central assistance from the Government  of India. Under this scheme, hostel accommodation and other educational facilities are provided with the aid of scholarships to cover the educational needs of those children actually engaged in scavenging of dry latrines and other unclean occupation like tanning and flaying, which are traditionally considered unclean. The beneficiaries may belong to any caste / community. HOSTELLERS : Class III to X  - Rs.700/- P.M. & Adhoc Grant Rs.1000/- P.A.DAY SCHOLARS : Class I to X - Rs.110/- P.M. & Adhoc Grant Rs.750/- P.A.

4. Admissions in Best Available Schools : The main aim of the Best Available School scheme is to impart quality education to the SC students. Admissions are made in 1st class. Only one child from one familyand whose parents’ annual income does not exceed Rs.65,000/-  per annum  for Rural areas and Rs.75,000/- per annum for Urban areas is eligible. (vide G.O.Ms.No.67 SW(Edn-2) Dept, dt.01-08-2013). In selection of students, preference is given to the students with rural background, from the families of first generation literates, belonging to the families of agricultural laborers, Jogins, bonded laborers and orphans., The Selection Committee at District Level consists of The Dist. Collector as Chairman and Joint Director /Dy. Director (SW) as Member Convenor and District Educational Officer and Principal APSWREIS as Members.  Govt. have issued comprehensive guidelines with a view to streamline the scheme in Best Available Schools and make the administration of the BAS scheme fully online vide G.O.Rt.No.172 SW (Edn-2) Dept dt.14-3-2012. Govt vide Memo No.2641/SW.Edn.2/2013-1 SW (Edn-2) dated:01-03-2013 have permitted to sanction the BAS rate @ Rs.20,000/- per student per annum.  G.O.Ms.No.97 SW(Edn-2) Dept dt.24-12-2013 have enhanced the BAS seats from 50 to 100 per District under the existing scheme of Best Available (Residential) Schools from the academic year 2014-15

5.   BEST AVAILABLE SCHOOLS NON-RESIDENTIAL: The government has taken a decision to extend the scheme of Best Available Schools for SC day-scholars also from the academic year 2013-14  with 100 seats per district. The students are admitted in Class – I.

6.  Admissions in Hyderabad Public School: Providing Financial assistance for SC Students studying Classes  I to XIIScheduled Castes Development Dept. is sponsoring SC students for admission into Hyderabad Public Schools into Class-I every year. 15 students from each district shall be sponsored by SC Development Department.   Wherever there are less than 15 applicants, the applications may directly be sent to the O/o the Director, SC Development Dept., without any selection process. The HPS concerned select the students by drawl of lots and communicate the list to the O/o the CSW, for calming scholarship for the selected SC students.  The candidates selected by the HPS concerned, on due verification of social status the selected candidates shall be sectioned scholarship. As per G.O.Rt.No.598 SW (Edn-2) Dept dt.9-10-2006, two (2) children from one family is eligible for admission into Hyderabad Public Schools.  The parents income should not exceed Rs.65,000/- per annum for Rural areas and Rs.75,000/- per annum for Urban areas.  

7. Financial assistance to study in reputed Junior colleges(corporate college Scheme): Education in reputed junior colleges is made available to limited number of meritorious students who have scord 400 marks and above in the SSC examination and whose parental income is less than Rs. 1.00 lakh/anum. Preference if given to students who have studied in welfre hostels, government schools, residential schools and best available school scheme.  Application are made online for the scheme at the district level and selections done by a committee.  The fee payable under the scheme is Rs. 35000/ for residential courses per year and an additional Rs. 3000 towards pocket expenses.  Contact the District Welfare officer for further details. .

8. Financial Assistance to Post-Matric Students:  Assitance to students pursuing post matric courses are being provided financial assistance by way of scholarships which inlcude a part of the amount payable to colleges as tuition fee and a monthly maintenance amount for each of the student. Students who have completed their X class can puruse all degree and post graduate courses.  The income limit of the family  is Rs. Two lakhs or less  and the age restriction for getting scholarships is 24 yrs, 29yrs and 34 yrs for intermedeate, degree and post graduate courses resepctively.  Students have to register online and upload their Caste, Income, Aadhar Card, Marks Memo, Bonafide certificate, Ration card, Copy of Bank pass book, CET allotment order in case of professional students etc.,It is made mandatory for all scholarship holders to obtain necessary certificates from Mee Seva and upload in epass which can be accessed at  Guidelines for Scholarships are given in detail in G.O. Ms. 66 SW(edn-2) dated 20-9-2010. 

9. Financial Assistance to Study Abroad (Ambedkar Overseas Vidya Nidhi)To enable the benefit of higher education in foreign universities to the meritorious SC Students (Age less than 35 years) who have scored at least 60% narks in Degree/PG level and whose family income does not exceed 2.00 lakhs.  One child in the family is eligible for the Grant.  A Grant of Rs.10.00 Lakhs is given for Higher Studies in Foreign Universities  in USA, UK, Australia, Canada and Singapore in addition to the Visa Fee & One Way Airfare permitted additionally. The candidate should have valid TOEFL/IELTS and GRE/G-MAT and should have obtained admission in accredited foreign university and also possess a valid passport. 33% of the awards shall be earmarked for Women candidates. Guidelines issued in G.O.MS.NO.54, SW(Edn.2) Dept.DT:28-06-2013. The registration shall be made under the scheme online at

10. Financial Assistance to Skill Upgration for professional graduates (GRE/GMAT/TOEFL/IELTS) : To enable the SC Graduates/ Final year graduate students with family income of less than Rs.2.00 Lakhs per annum, to obtain good scores in tests of English proficiency such as TOEFL and IELTS and in General aptitude test such as GRE/GMAT are equivalent qualifying examinations for pursuing admissions into various post graduate courses in reputed foreign universities.  Guidelines issued in G.O.MS. NO. 55, SW (EDN.1), Dt.29.06.2013.

11.    Maintenance of General hostels: The Scheduled Castes development department maintains around 801 Hostels in all the ten districts of the state with 73,025 admitted strength during 2014-15. Of the total number of hostels, 210 are Girls Hostels with a strength of 22,147.  Further 591 Boys Hostels have a strength of  50,878 strength.  Caste Composition: SCs-70%, Christians converted from SCs-12%, STs-5%, B.Cs-9% and Others-4%. Annual Parental income Rs.75,000/- in Urban Areas and  Rs.65,000/- in Rural Areas. Diet Charges @ Rs.750/- from 1st to 7th class & @ Rs.850/- per month per boarder from 8th to 10th class. Cosmetic charges @Rs.50/-per month for Boys; and for Girls Rs.55/-per month for Girls up to 7th class & Rs.75/- per month from Class VIII to X and above 11 years of age.  Hair Cutting Charges @ Rs.12/- per month for Boys. Dresses @ 4 pairs per boarder per annum.  Stitching Charges @ Rs.40/- per pair. Bedding Material @ Rs.300/- per set (1 Carpet + 1 Bed sheet) every year. Trunk Box, Plate & Glass once in 5 Years. e-HMS for monitoring staff/students/ infrastructure /sanctions.

12. Construction of Community Halls: Construction of Community Halls in each Mandal under Promotion of Inter-Castes Marriages. (491) Community Halls sanctioned with an estimated cost of Rs.7.50lakhs each.  Works grounded in (261) Community halls.  Communities desirous of having a community hall may approach the MRO or the District Collector concerned.

13. FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE TO SC ADVOCATES: Government in G.O. Ms.No.77, S.W. (B1) Dept., dt.30-04-1982, had introduced  a scheme of  “financial assistance to S.C. Advocates” for  undergoing Training  in the “Administration of  Justice” to law Graduates belonging  to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and  Backward Classes. Subsequently, Government in G.O.Ms.No.109 SW (Bud-1) department   dt.10-6-2008,issued orders, increasing  the number of  seats allotted to each district for  undergoing  Training  in Administration of  Justice from 4 to 8 per year.   The  S.C. candidates who are selected for undergoing Training  in Administration of  Justice are eligible  for  payment of  stipend of  Rs.1,000/- per  student per month for  (3) years, purchase of  Books and furniture (one time) @ Rs.6,000/- in addition to the Bar Enrolment fee Rs.585/-  (one time) and  , the income ceiling fixed by Govt. of India in respect of students in Professional and Post  Graduate Courses is  applicable to the SC Law Graduates who are undergo Training in Administration of Justice.

14. PROMOTION OF INTERCASTE MARRIAGES:  Government has been encouraging Intercaste Marriages for social integration and social reform with a view to eradicate caste system in the Society.  Government, vide G.O.Ms.No.33, Social Welfare (PCR) Dept., Dt.12-05-2011, have enhanced the Incentive Award from Rs.10,000/- to Rs.50,000/- per Inter-Caste married couple under CSS on 50:50 basis by the Centre and the State Govt. w.e.f. 12-05-2011.The incentive award under this scheme can be sanctioned to the following categories of couples by the Joint Director (SCDD)/Deputy Director (SCDD) of the concerned district to which the SC spouse belongs.  An inter- caste marrigae is one in which one of the party in marriage belongs to the SC community.   Applications for incentive award may be made online at

15. HOUSE SITES FOR WEAKER SECTIONS: Distribution of house sites to the weaker sections is one of the flagship programs of the Govt. The Revenue Department acquires the private, ceiling, endowments, assigned and Govt. lands, and distribute to the SC, ST, BC Minorities and other economically poor people at free of cost for house sites.  The SC Development Dept. provides the budget for acquisition of private, assigned and endowments lands. In accordance with orders in G.O.MS.No.224 Dt:09.06.1997 as revised in G.O.MS.No.17 Dt:15.02.1990 and G.O.MS.No.90, Dt:24.09.2001 of Social Welfare Department, the amounts provided for acquisition of land for house sites shall be utilized for distribution of house sites for different categories in the following ratio: SC:  40%     ST: 10%       BC : 30%      Minorities : 10%   Others :10%.  Those deisrous of applying for a housesite may do so by making an application to the local MRO or the District Collector Concerned.

16.    TELANGANA SOCIAL WELFARE FUND : HYDERABAD: The main objective of the  S.W.Fund is to financially assist, encourage, strengthen  the Registered Voluntary Organizations which are engaged  in the Social Welfare activities like, running Orphanage, Destitute, Old Age homes/ Rehabilitation and maintenance Centers for the cured Leprosy and TB patients and their children and Maintenance and Vocational training School to Mentally/ Physically disabled children/Pre schools etc. The Council of the S W Fund consists of Chief Secretary to Govt. as Chairman, Secretary to Govt, Medical and Health Department and Principal Secretary to Govt. Social Welfare Department as Official Members. The Commissioner of Social Welfare is the Member Secretary.  Preference of assistance is given towards maintenance of old age and orphan homes/ Physically Handicapped / Mentally retarded children and  TB/ Leprosy asylum institutions for  providing assistance to the Voluntary Organizations on 50% basis to intensify and  expand their Welfare Services. Govt. vide Memo.No.7647/Bud-2/2012-1, dt.31.4.2012 have communicated Grant in aid application and Inspection report form to submit for on line process and the Non-Governmental Organizations have been requested to down load the application form from the Web. site.  and submit the renewal proposal to concerned District Joint Director/Deputy Directors, Social Welfare through e-mail for causing inspection and to submit the report to Commissioner of Social Welfare/ Secretary, A.P.S.W.Fund through online process from the year 2012-13. 

17. TELANGANA STUDY CIRCLE:  Provides coaching in Civil Services Examinations conducted by the UPSC by for IAS, IPS and other Central Services at its own building at Road No. 14, Banjara Hills.  Since 1980 onwards, a total number of 7182 candidates (4303 SCs, 1012 STs, 1473 BCs and 393 Others) were provided coaching facilities for UPSC Civil Services exams in this Study Circle, of which, 1246 candidates passed.  Each year selections for coaching are done through a competitive eam giving about 10 seats for each district.  Facilities providing at study circle are Free coaching classes, free library facility, free hostel accommodation, free study material supplied by the regular faculty, Book grant (Rs.3,500/- worth), Medical allowance (Rs.200/- per student), Stipend (Rs.1300/-), Personal allowance (Rs.100/- pm for Men and Rs.150/- pm for Women).

18. VICTORIA MEMORIAL RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL, SAROONAGAR:  The school provides residential school education to orphan children.  There is no limit on the admissions.  Quality educaton with good residential accomodation is provided at the school. The children are provided with free boarding and lodging.  4 pairs of uniform dresses, including Sports dress, bed sheets & one Carpet, Towel, Plate & Glasses, Note Books, Stationery, Reynold Pens and Refills. Pencils and Erasers, Geometrical Boxes and Cosmetics (Soaps, Toothpaste, Shampoo, Coconut Oil), sanitary pads for girls every month regularly.  Orphans who need to be admitted can contact the Principal of the Victoria Memorial School. Orphans and semi orphans irrespective of caste, creed and religion are admitted in this school.

19. LAND PURCHASE SCHEME: The land purchase scheme is launched on August, 15th  2014. Upto three Acres of land shall be given to the Bhoomileni Nirupeda Dalita Vyavasaya Aadharitha Kutumbalu – Scheduled Castes landless family. The Poorest of the Poor (POP) and landless beneficiaries shall be covered preferably in 1st phase and other poor SC beneficiaries having small piece of land 1/2 , 1.00, 2.00 acres etc., shall be provided with balance extent of land to make them land owners of 3.00 acres each, in the next phases.The entire cost of registration fee, stamp duty and other incidental expenses shall be borne by the Government. A comprehensive package shall be envisaged which shall include providing irrigation facilities, drip facilities, seed, cost of cultivation, fertilizers, pesticides, ploughing, microirrigation, energisation, pumpsets etc., for one crop year in addition to providing funds for land development, preparation of nursery and agricultural inputs. For allotment of land please contact the District collector or the Executive Director of the SC corporation in the district.  

20. KALYANA LAKSHMI PATHAKAM : The Government of Telangana envisions the overall development of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes and in particular the unmarried Girls belonging to these communities who are the disadvantaged section of the society. In pursuance of this vision, the Government of Telangana introduced the schemes of “Kalyana Lakshmi Pathakam” to all SC and ST girls on their marriage with a view to alleviate financial distress in the family. Under the scheme, a onetime financial assistance of Rs.51,000/- at the time of marriage shall be granted to every SC/ST Girl with effect from 2nd October, 2014.  The income limit under the scheme is an annual income of Rs. 2.00 lakhs per year. The requirements for applying under the scheme are Date of Birth Certificate, Caste Certificate, Income Certificate, Aadhar Card of Bride and Bridegroom to be scanned and uploaded (if available). Scanned copy of first page of Bank Pass Book (Savings Account) containing the photo of the Bride and account details in the name of the Bride, wedding Card (if available). Application under the scheme can be made through any of the Mee Seva Centers or through an online application at

For availing all the other benefits, BC-C Community is requested to contact Deputy Director, Social Welfare and ED, Social Welfare of the District.

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