Christian Missionaries create Jesus Sahasranama to contaminate Vishnu Sahasranama and Shiva Sahasranama

Indian Christian Missionaries have done it again! They follow same technique of copying of Hindu traditions and techniques and plagiarizing it to Christianity. This would some day make Christians to claim Jesus Sahasranama to be original and Vishnu sahasranama to be copied!

What is that the missionaries are trying to achieve by re-packaging Hindu system and selling in India as Christian ideologies?


Youtube video:

Excerpts from another blog:

There are two reasons why it appeared in sahasranama.
1. Jesus sahasranama was composed by a christian sanskrit scholar K.U.Chacko in kerala in 1985's. Those Mantras may got mixed into the hindu context in local kerala temples.
2. Another case could be that those articles probably written by a malayali/Tamilian , coz he/she used wrong letters such as “t” instead of “Dh”, and so on. In tamil or Malayalam there is no much importance to some sounds, they have the same letter for two sounds,like they have same letter to represent both  “Pha” and “bha” . But in Sanskrit, difference between  these sounds are very important. These differences in sounds may change the entire meaning of the word. Like English, Sanskrit can have two or more meaning for the same word depending upon the situation. The meaning of mantras given by them and their actual meaning are discussed below. I am not against Christianity or Christians but I just want to convey the truth.
Mantra 1:
“ om shri Brahma putraya namaha:
Definition given by them: “ Oh lord, son of god, we praise you” (they say it was referring to jesus)
My Explanation: Brahma Putraya = son of Brahma, It actually refers to Lord Shiva. Brahma born from a lotus, He created shiva.
 one who is the son of Brahma,We bow to thee
Mantra 2:
om shri umathyaya namaha:
Definition given by them: “oh lord who is born of the spirit, we praise you”
My explanation: it is not umathya, it is umadhya = Uma + Adhya;
Uma = luminous or light
Adhya = source  
Umadhyaya = source of light.( see a small mistake , they wrote ‘t’ instead of ‘d’. it changed the entire meaning)
“one who is the source of light,We bow to thee”
Mantra 3:
“om shri kanni sudhaya namaha:”
Definition given by them: “oh lord who born of a virgin we praise you”
My explanation: kanni in Tamil /Malayalam means virgin. Sanskrit word for virgin is “Kanya”
There is no  “Kanni” in Sanskrit . It is “kani”. Kani = Ever. Sudha = pure.
Kani sudha = Ever Pure.
“one who is Ever Pure,We bow to thee”
Mantra 4:
om tharithra narayanaya namaha:
Definition given by them: “ oh lord who become poor for our sake , we praise you”
My explanation:
It is not “tharithra” but it is “Dhrithri”, which means “ the Earth” in Sanskrit.
Sanskrit word for poor is Dhaaridrah.
Narayana = First Being.
oh First Being of the earth,We bow to thee
Mantra 5:
om vidhiristaya namaha:”
Definition given by them: “oh lord who is circumcised, we praise you”
My Explanation: vidhir= worshipper or worship. Istaya= favourite or favour.
There is no word for circumcision in Sanskrit.
The word “kaat”  means “ to cut”.. Private parts in Sanskrit  is lingam or Yoni.
one who favors his worshipper,We bow to thee
Mantra 6:”ohm sri panchagayaya namaha:”
Definition given by them:”oh lord who bore five wounds on your body,we praise you”
My explanation: It is not “gaya” but “gavya”.
Pancha = Five ; gavya = blend of
Blend of five elements the air, the water, the earth, the space, and the fire.
“one who is blend of five(elements),We bow to thee”
Mantra 7 : “ohm shri vruksha shul aruthaya namaha:”
Definition given by them:” oh lord who sacrificed yourself on a trishool- like tree(wooden cross),we praise you”
My Explanation: not vruksha but virupaksha meanings "mis-formed eye"; shul = tri-spear, not arutha, it is arudha , which means " to rise"
"one who rises the tri-spear with a mis-formed eye,We bow to thee"
Mantra 8: “ohm shri mruthyum jayaya namaha:”
Definition given by them: “oh Lord who won the death, we praise you”
My explanation:  Yes, God do not have death. Here Mruthyum Jaya refers to shiva.
Mantra 9:”ohm shri sibilistaya namaha:”
Definition : oh lord who willingly offered your flesh to be eaten by your saints, we praise you”
My explanation: Sibhi chakravarthy is a famous king in mahabharatha, Ramayana also in jataka tales. He is considered as a member of vishnu’s lineage.
He sacrificed his flesh to save a pigeon from an eagle, pigeon and eagle were the Agni and Indra in disguise. (Note. H is story was written centuries before Christ. Recorded circa 400 B.C in jataka tales of buddists, don’t say it a copy.!)
Sibi = name of the king sibi. Istaya = favouite.
Mantra 10:” ohm shri thatchina moothyaya namaha:”
their definition "Oh lord seated by the side of your father, we praise you"
My explanation: It is not thatchina moorthy it is “Dhakshana moorthy”
Dhakshna = south ; Moorthy = deity.
The deity of the south.. it is often used to refer “Guru”, one of the Dikhpalaka or ruler of directions and also refers to lord shiva.
“oh god of the south,We bow to thee”
Mantra 11:”ohm shri maha devayaya namaha:”
Their definition: “ oh lord of the lords, I bow to you”
My explanation: Yes but it was actually referred Lord shiva, who is also called as Maha Deva. Budda also mentioned as Maha deva sometimes.
Maha deva = Greatest amonst the devas
“one who is greatest amongst the gods, We bow to thee”
Though i have corrected the above definitions, some of the mantras stated above are not found in the actual SAHASRANAMAM of Hinduism. The above mantras may got mixed by the local priests in kerala from the Jesus Sahasranamam written by a christian sanskrit pundit. 
*for vishnu sahasranamam click here vishnu sahasranamam.

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