a) Ecconomic development | |
b) Post-Matric Scholarship (OBC) | |
c) Pre-Matric Scholarship (OBC) | |
d) Hostels for Boys' and Girls' (OBC) | |
e) Mahila Samridhi Yojna | |
f) Maulana Azad Educational Foundation | |
g) National Minorities Development and Finance Corporation (NMDFC) | |
h) National Backward Classes Finance and Development Corporation (NBCFDC) | |
i) Pre-examination Coaching | |
j) Proposed schemes of the Department for the current 10th Plan period | |
a) Ecconomic development
Under this scheme various family - oriented, women-oriented, income generating schemes like Water Pump, Weaving, Embroidery were taken up. Poultry and Potato schemes were also proposed to be implemented during the current Tenth Plan. Under this scheme financial assistance were provided in kind/cash to those Minorites and OBC indivisuals/families living below double the proverty line by way of self employment.
For further details please contact DD/A.O.(EDP)-MOBC
during Office hours at the Directorate of MOBC, Governor's Road, Imphal
b) Post-Matric Scholarship (OBC)
Under this scheme scholarship is awarded to OBC students from XIth standard onward upto Post-Graduate level in a number of trades/courses. The amount of scholarship varies from class to class and course to course.
Forms are available from May to July at the Directorate's Office at Governor's Road, Imphal.
Following are the necessary documents
Attested copies of HSLC certificate, Marks sheets,
Income certificate of the father/mother/guardian (income should be below Rs. 44,500/- per annum),
OBC certificate of the student, hosteller certificate, Study break certificate issued by competent authority should be enclosed at the time of submission of forms.
Download forms (below) for Post Matric Scholarship (OBC, Non Merit) 2007-08
Notice Fresh Application form (Annexure- II & IV) Renewal Application form (Annexure- III & IV)
c) Pre-Matric Scholarship (OBC)
Under this scheme scholarship is awarded to OBC students from Class I to X. The amount varies from class to class.
Forms are available from May to July at the the Directorate's Office at Governor's Road, Imphal.
Following are the necessary documents
Atttested copies of birth certificate , Marks sheets,
Income certificate of the father/mother/guardian (income should be below Rs. 44,500/- per annum), OBC certificate of the student, hosteller certificate issued by competent authority should be enclosed at the time of submission of forms.
For further details please contact A.O.(Edn)/MOBC
during Office hours at the Directorate of MOBC, Governor's Road, Imphal.
d) Hostels for Boys' and Girls' (OBC)
Under this scheme hostels are constructed to accomodate students coming from far-off areas to study in Government Educational Institutions for OBC Boys and Girls. The pattern of funding is 50:50 for the Government of Manipur Institutions. Whereas the funding pattern is 100% by the GOI for the Central Government Instititions.
For further details please contact A.O.(CSS)/MOBC
during Office hours at the Directorate of MOBC, Governor's Road, Imphal.
e) Mahila Samridhi Yojna
Under this scheme training will be provided to Minority women in income generating/skill upgradation schemes for self employment.
The scheme is starting this year (2002-2003) and shall continue for a period of 5(five) years.
Minority women who are between 16 to 30 years of age, passed Class-V, whose family income are below Rs. 42,000/- (Urban) and Rs. 32,000/- (Rural) can apply.
For further details contact Asst.Dir.(Mino)/MOBC
during Office hours at the Directorate of MOBC, Governor's Road, Imphal.
f) Maulana Azad Educational Foundation
This is exclusively for Minority. This scheme encourage Minority Communities to establish/Expand School/College/Residential School/Hostel to open or strengthening Technical/Professional Institutions. MOBC forwarded the applications to Administrative Department for taking further necessary action.
For further details please contact A.O.(CSS)/MOBC
during Office hours at the Directorate of MOBC, Governor's Road, Imphal.
g) National Minorities Development and Finance Corporation (NMDFC)
Under this scheme, financial assistance is provided to Minorities in income-generating schemes from NMDFC, New Delhi through soft loans.
Minority individuals whose annual income is below Rs. 32,000/- (Rural) and Rs. 42,000/- (Urban) per annum can apply for availing the loans.
For further details contact Asst.Dir.(Mino)/MOBC
during Office hours at the Directorate of MOBC, Governor's Road, Imphal.
h) National Backward Classes Finance and Development Corporation (NBCFDC)
Under this scheme, financial assistance is provided to OBC communities in income-generating schemes from NBCFDC, New Delhi through soft loans.
OBC indivisuals whose annual income is
below Rs. 40,000/- (Rural) and Rs. 55,000/- (Urban) per annum can apply for availing the loans. Above all NBCFDC also provide financial assistance for undergoing training programme to OBC NGO's.
For further details please contact A.O.(OBC)/MOBC
during Office hours at the Directorate of MOBC, Governor's Road, Imphal.
i) Pre-examination Coaching
Under this scheme, financial assistance is provided to NGO's (OBC and Minority) for conducting coaching to competitive examination like IAS, MCS, ENGG. IFS, Medical etc.
For further details please contact A.O.(CSS)/MOBC
during Office hours at the Directorate of MOBC, Governor's Road, Imphal.
j) Proposed schemes of the Department for the current 10th Plan period
Health, Education,Assistance to Artisan, Grant-in-Aid to State Haj Committee and Monitoring and Evaluation.
k) Merit-cum Means based Scholarship for students belonging to Minority
The Ministry of Minority Affairs, Government of India has introduced a Scheme of Merit-cum Means based Scholarship for students belonging to the minority communities (Muslim and Christians) for Technical and Professional Courses at graduate and post-graduate levels during the Elevent Five Year Plan beginning 2007-08. Download forms
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